July 13, 2024 6:00 pm
Pat Trask Ranch - Meade County

Join Us for the
39th Annual
Reagan/Trump Picnic
A celebration of Our Christian Nation’s Patriotic Families
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Music and Food Begin Around 6 PM
Pat Trask Ranch in Meade County, near the Heart of the earliest ranches of Dakota Territory
overlooking the Cheyenne River and the historic town of Smithville Oasis of pioneer migrations on the
Fort Pierre-Deadwood Trail! 10 miles SE of Elm Springs (2.5 miles East of 18166 on Smithville Road)
Follow the Signs!
Grilled Trask Beef & Potluck Amenities!
Enjoy the buffalo grass dance floor
Music by the Potter Family Band
Keynote Speakers
Mr. Bill Bullard, CEO R-CALF USA
Mr. Paul Dorr, Pro-life Christian &
Property Rights Defender
Mr. Marty Jackley, S.D. Attorney General
The Fabulous Fireworks Show begins at 10 PM