Vote Vote Vote!

Vote Vote Vote!

YOUR VOTE COUNTS! If you have not yet voted, please do. If you need help getting to the poles or verifying your voter location, please call our office at 605-348-8396 and we will try to help you.
Prayer for America and Election Integrity

Prayer for America and Election Integrity

Please join us at Landmark Community Church 3777 Anderson Road, Rapid City, SD 57703 for an evening of prayer for our Nation and our elections.   It is the MOST important thing we can do!
Poll Watcher Training

Poll Watcher Training

If you would like to be a poll watcher, please meet at the Republican Office on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 6:30 PM. We will provide training and locations for you to poll watch. RSVP is appreciated, but not required. Contact us at [email protected] or call...
Tabulator Testing

Tabulator Testing

Notice is hereby given, the automatic tabulating equipment will be tested to ascertain that it will correctly count the votes cast for all offices and on all measures that will be cast at the General Election held on the 5th day of November, 2024. The test will be...
Election Watch Party

Election Watch Party

Join the Pennington County GOP for an election night watch party at the Alex Johnson Hotel Ballroom. The watch party will be from 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM Options for meals from $10 to $25 and drinks available as well. Save the date – Additional details to follow....