Elect Delegates for National GOP Convention

Elect Delegates for National GOP Convention

ATTENTION ALL PENNINGTON COUNTY REPUBLICANS Come be part of selecting delegates to the National GOP Convention. On April 20, 2024, all Pennington County Republicans will select 3 people to go to the Regional Caucus and South Dakota State Convention and have their...
Poll Worker/Poll Watcher Training

Poll Worker/Poll Watcher Training

Please join your Pennington County GOP for the start of our monthly training series. Our first session will be Glenda Williams giving an overview of how to become a poll worker and their duties. Time permitting, we will also cover poll-watcher training. Coffee and...
Pennington County Central Committee Meeting

Pennington County Central Committee Meeting

Please plan to attend the Central Committee Meeting, as we look to 2024. We will have a report on where we’ve been and where we are going. We have ideas and information we want to share.  Following this meeting is a training session to  better equip you and other...