Pennco Event – Questions for the Auditor

  Another great turn out for training on elections. Unfortunately, Auditor Cindy Mohler was ill and couldn’t make it, but she answered the questions we had and provided other information on the post-election audit as well. Chair Amy Wagner was the stand in, and...

The Decline of American Freedom

Political prosecutions mean diminishing liberty here, overseas OPINION: The world is becoming less free. That’s the takeaway from a report released Thursday by Freedom House, a think tank best known for its annual summary of the state of political rights and civil...

Update State GOP February Meeting

Reflections on the State Central Committee Meeting on February 9th and 10th: Friday evening, we met for a social and it was very nice. 3 hours dedicated to getting to know one another and share ideas and concerns. The getting to know one another was very nice. Then at...